Fee Type | Forward Shipment | Reverse Shipment | Replacement Shipment |
Commision fee | Charged | Reversed | Charged |
Collection fee | Charged | --- | --- |
Shipment fee | Charged | Charged | Charged |
1: You can modify the following details of your order as long as it has not been ready to dispatch.
2: You can cancel your order if it is not shipped. Please login to your Bahujan Market account for initiating the cancellation & follow the given process: Sign-In -> My Account -> My Orders -> Cancellation Request.
If you have ordered a wrong product you may cancel the order through your Account.
If it is Prepaid Order, the amount will be refunded to you in accordance with our Refund Policy. A cancellation request cannot be made after your order is dispatched.
Under some rare situations, Bahujan Market or any of our sellers can also raise an order cancellation request. These situations could be –
3. Returns/Replacement are accepted under the following cases -
4. Returns/ Replacement requests will not accepted under following cases –
5. Categories not eligible for returns are as follows:
Category | Item's that cant be returned |
Automotive | Car perfume |
Baby Care | Nursing covers, diapers and nappies, soothers and teether, feeding related products, baby wipes |
Beauty | Make up, skin care, hair care and personal care products |
Eyewear | Contact Lens |
Garden | Seeds and Live plants |
Grocery and Gourmet | All items included in these categories |
Fashion | Lingerie and innerwear, socks and stockings |
Music, Software and Gaming | All products marked as non-returnable |
Sports & Health | Nutrition and health care, Gym gloves, Gym vests, Gym supports and elderly care |
*Any product that is labeled as non-returnable on its product detail page cannot be returned.
6. Return/Replcement: Request should be filed through your BahujanMarket account within 2 days of Delivery.
7. Once your request to return an order is approved, a pickup will be initiated. Once return is approved for pick up, email will be sent to registered email id for pick up related details. Please keep the product ready with all tags & accessories. Kindly ensure proper packaging to avoid any damage during transit.
Please take care of the following points, while packing your product for Pickup - ·
Customer Support :
If you have any queries, do call our help desk at +91- 7618483386
email us at bahujanmarket@gmail.com